Not a bad concept, although there are a few suggestions i have. it would be a lot more fun in a level based environment where the levels are shorter. A score would really add to the game and winning at the end would be nice. Overall its a good idea but not a full game.
Thanks for the feed back. When I get a playable demo going I put it up and anyone who is interested can see it form. The initial idea was that the instant you hit the pink marble in the middle the level is over. I need to add angle adjustments when you hit a brick - rotation speed of the brick will have a greater effect on the ball. I am also toying with the idea that if you blast the entire outer ring off then I was thinking of a new level growing from the center pushing the old ones out. Another idea was to have the bricks advance downward and if they touched the border you would either be blocked from that position or lose the game. It is still up in the air.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sat Jul 19 06:30:08 UTC 2014
Your ball will speed up when you hit bricks that are closer to the center of the screen. If the center marble is hit the ball is removed and the level is reset.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sun Jul 20 05:46:56 UTC 2014
not all bricks were clearing when the center was hit.
Hmm maybe you should make it impossible for the ball to go straight ahead when SPACE is pressed... it bounces back and forth until it reaches the center.
The ball going infinite around center can happen - there is a test I need to perform to make sure it does not happen, that test being this - make sure my angle relative to the vector from center is not 90 or 270 degrees. It is possible to get a stand still except for the 2 inner most rings - they right now are set to spin at 1 degree per act. Then they are spinning at differing speeds the mechanics seem to break down, there are lots of things I have to hand adjust before they are correct. I can get rid of the center fire from middle hit and I'll see if I can get rid of that infinite orbit as well.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed Jul 23 05:41:11 UTC 2014
hopefully ball will not go in tight orbit around pink marble.
I'll see what I can do, left and right arrow will not be sufficient, maybe make the arrow keys zip the paddle to the 0,90,180,270 degree positions, WASD to gradually move to the 0,90,180,270 positions.
I think either that, or have clicking be the way to set loose the ball. I just find it weird switching between a keyboard and a mouse in this style of game.
Oh yeah the spacebar thing, I do not really intend for that to be permanent, I want the ball to stick to the paddle before launch. I did not know if this idea would work out; that is partially the reason why it is so rough around the edges.
The ball blends in with the light blue, it makes it difficult to see it. I would suggest making the ball contrast more with the background.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Fri Jul 25 22:21:25 UTC 2014
You can use a mouse click to launch a ball now. Ball and background have higher contrast. I still have to fix some ball bouncing rules.
@JetLennit a mouse click will launch a ball now.
@dan11 contrast between ball and background is greater so it should be easier to see.
@NikZ Added a rule that says if the ball is tiny its orbit is to degenerate to center so hopefully no infinite orbits will happen near center.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Tue Jul 29 03:18:33 UTC 2014
Messing around with ball behaviour
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Tue Jul 29 04:13:39 UTC 2014
No nolger able to bounce back with zero angle.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Tue Jul 29 04:42:03 UTC 2014
Maybe, I kind of like the darker look, I could add a toggle key for the old background, or maybe I could try something with filters and have the background react to various conditions.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Thu Jul 31 05:45:48 UTC 2014
Press 't' to toggle the background from the new to the old.
Ball speed adjusted
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Fri Aug 01 05:42:13 UTC 2014
Ball emits smoke the color of the last brick it had come in contact with.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Fri Aug 01 14:36:22 UTC 2014
Smoke only will last a little while after the brick is struck.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sat Aug 02 07:03:44 UTC 2014
Score is present (upper left corner), it will reset back to zero when you miss the ball. The top player and score is displayed in the lower right corner.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sat Aug 02 07:12:19 UTC 2014
Smaller Font in the word boxes
I did not know who they were, but after checking I have to agree. I would have to obtain permission before I put it in there since I can not assume to distribute other's copyrighted material. I would not want the site admins to be hammered with take down notices.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sat Sep 06 04:34:32 UTC 2014
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sat Sep 06 04:39:08 UTC 2014