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A very early game i am in the process of making. Player 1 who is on the bottom is controlled with the arrow keys and uses space to fire. Player 2 who is on the top uses wasd to move a the e key to fire. First person to 15 points wins.

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Tags: game demo

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I think the keystrokes are being consumed by one player and the other player will not be able to fire. This is probably the case if you are using the 'getKey' method instead of 'isKeyDown' method.


Actually i am using the "isKeyDown" method. Here is the code for the submarine import greenfoot.*; public class Submarine extends Movement { private int gunReloadTime = 200; private int reloadDelayCount = 0; public void act() { move(); reloadDelayCount++; } public void move() { if(Greenfoot.isKeyDown("up")) //The different moving keys { move(3); } if(Greenfoot.isKeyDown("down")) { move(-3); } if(Greenfoot.isKeyDown("right")) { turn(3); } if(Greenfoot.isKeyDown("left")) { turn(-3); } if(Greenfoot.isKeyDown("shift")) { shoot(); } } public void setGunReloadTime(int reloadTime) //Defines the reload time { gunReloadTime = reloadTime; } public void shoot() { if(reloadDelayCount >= gunReloadTime) //Fires a torpedo { getWorld().addObject(new Torpedo(getRotation()), getX(), getY()); reloadDelayCount = 0; Greenfoot.playSound("fire.wav"); } } }


I see. Your description says 'space' to fire and the code uses 'shift'. That is what was throwing me.


Im sorry, I didnt realize I had done that

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