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Scenarios tagged: worm

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play 2 Player crab game with portal
plays 2384 / votes 0

2 Player crab game with portal

by guillembonet, 2012/9/16

This is a test

play KutKrab
plays 2123 / votes 0


by MrKammetje, 2015/6/24

Best gaem in wurld

play Improved Little Crab
plays 6456 / votes 0

Improved Little Crab

by Super_Hippo, 2012/12/7

Which animal will rule the beach?

play Crabmaster
plays 2551 / votes 0


by Floppen, 2012/10/19

Eat the worms to take out the lobsters

play Little Crab 1.0
plays 1545 / votes 0

Little Crab 1.0

by YaBoi853, 2019/10/28

play modern-crab
plays 4135 / votes 0


by Rishav_Agarwal, 2014/4/1

Controls - up , down , left , right

play 2 Player crab game
plays 4401 / votes 0

2 Player crab game

by guillembonet, 2012/9/16

2 Player example crab game

play Crabby:Wormchase
plays 2676 / votes 0


by keazon, 2011/11/12

play Crab Game
plays 2942 / votes 0

Crab Game

by bella.wesley, 2011/11/2

Move crab with arrow keys. Eat all worms before you get eaten by a lobster.