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Scenarios tagged: void

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play WizardAdventure
plays 1694 / votes 0


by Biscuits1, 2019/5/14

Get the Wizard out of the Forest

play Pirate-World
plays 1577 / votes 0


by SilentHunter115, 2019/4/8

You are a piretship trying to collect tresure chests.

play BurgerWorld
plays 1440 / votes 0


by Thor_21, 2019/4/5

Play as the Burger collecting lettuce, escaping from the Bun

play knight World
plays 1627 / votes 0

knight World

by Biscuits1, 2019/4/4

play Police and Robbers
plays 1665 / votes 0

Police and Robbers

by blue_murph47, 2019/4/3

Get as much money before the cobs catch you.

play Speed Pursuit
plays 2147 / votes 0

Speed Pursuit

by BillTrimble, 2017/11/27

Avoid police collect turbos

play Save the Apples
plays 3278 / votes 2

Save the Apples

by Elephant16, 2016/5/26

Catch apples in the basket before they fall to the ground.