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Scenarios tagged: userinfo

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play Residents
plays 11134 / votes 20


by bourne, 2013/12/30

Customize property to share with fellow Greenfoot members. And unlock new items.

play Two Player UserInfo
plays 5632 / votes 4

Two Player UserInfo

by bourne, 2014/1/9

Beta: A reusable utility for onsite user 2-player games. Provides user online status, opponent selection, client communication, etc.

play Infiltrate
plays 3605 / votes 3


by bourne, 2014/1/20

Onsite user co-op game. With some puzzle-like features.

play BuzzerBeater
plays 2622 / votes 1


by MaxAlbert, 2014/1/6

Who can get the most balls in the basket?

play Airborne Defense
plays 4972 / votes 5

Airborne Defense

by bourne, 2013/5/5

Defend carrier from submarines, planes, and naval attacks. Earn achievements and high score!

play UserInfo Battleship
plays 7853 / votes 19

UserInfo Battleship

by bourne, 2013/12/12

Play Battleship with other users! First onsite user multiplayer game! With instant messenger after each match

play Reusable UserInfo Support Classes
plays 3454 / votes 1

Reusable UserInfo Support Classes

by shrucis1, 2013/12/29

Some classes that support storing number values using UserInfo strings

play Tiny Tank
plays 22386 / votes 50

Tiny Tank

by Kartoffelbrot, 2013/4/24

Game about a tank.

play UserInfo IM
plays 3890 / votes 9

UserInfo IM

by bourne, 2013/12/6

Instant Messenger with individual users. Live chat with "online status" indication.