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Scenarios tagged: star

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play Star Wars
plays 8557 / votes 15

Star Wars

by cs448_project, 2010/5/6

NMSU CS 448 Senior Project

play Star Trek: Ceaseless Conflict
plays 6838 / votes 9

Star Trek: Ceaseless Conflict

by Tomfoolery, 2012/12/19

Star Trek based game with LCARS GUI

play Space surviver
plays 5620 / votes 7

Space surviver

by JetLennit, 2013/3/26

A Space Game

play Fall of the Asteroid
plays 2479 / votes 5

Fall of the Asteroid

by Lamonin, 2021/6/10

Управляя астероидом - пролетите через всю галактику и уничтожьте Землю!

play Galaxy fight
plays 48936 / votes 2

Galaxy fight

by xx.kittykat.xx, 2016/2/18

play Milenium Falcon
plays 2191 / votes 1

Milenium Falcon

by Yoda28, 2018/5/3

Avoid Crashing your Space-Ship

play Star Wars Multiplayer
plays 1418 / votes 1

Star Wars Multiplayer

by TrippleAgent, 2020/3/19

play Drunken Star
plays 2854 / votes 1

Drunken Star

by AndrewL, 2015/5/18

As a Star, survive Earth by shooting the inhabitants

play StormShooters
plays 3334 / votes 1


by Archerfish, 2019/12/18

A School Project on Projectiles and Collision Events