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The most complete remake of Plants Vs Zombies on Greenfoot.
Emergency Mission is a game where you play as an ambulance driver who tries to rescue the accident victims.
Demo Mini Game Project by Alissa Tukhriyatun Nufus (L0123015) & Alya Dliya Zhafirah (L0123017)
Can you handle the road and keep your cool? Step into the driver’s seat and take on the challenge of getting your kid to school safely!
Seorang ustadz terjebak di rumah sakit angker, menghadapi makhluk-makhluk jahat seperti Suster Ngesot dan Buto Ijo, sambil bertahan dan mencari jalan keluar dengan tasbih dan ayat-ayat Al-Qur'an sebagai perlindungan.
Die Faszination des Meeres in einer Simulation