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Scenarios tagged: russia

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play Chain Road (Download)
plays 1470 / votes 0

Chain Road (Download)

by Olegoria, 2019/6/1

This game for two users, to win 1st or 2nd player must block the road to the second player.

play Battleship
plays 2183 / votes 0


by Erriour, 2018/7/1

The game is a standard sea battle, in which you have to play with the computer.

play KnifeHit
plays 1424 / votes 0


by Kildsforkids, 2018/6/30

You are gonna to hit a target with all knives.

play Sudoku
plays 1747 / votes 0


by Meowly, 2018/6/29

This is the playing field on which all the figures are displayed.

play Jerry in pursuit of cheese.
plays 1338 / votes 0

Jerry in pursuit of cheese.

by Anastasha, 2018/6/30

Mouse Jerry loves cheese very much, and catches him in this game avoiding his enemy - Tom's cat.

play Hacker in Wonderscreen
plays 2073 / votes 0

Hacker in Wonderscreen

by Malentium, 2018/6/29

A platformer about Prince Hacker and Princess Compiler

play Pigeon's operation
plays 1932 / votes 1

Pigeon's operation

by reyner, 2018/6/29

Medical 3-in-a-row game with a pigeon.

play University
plays 1656 / votes 0


by Railfox, 2018/6/29

Try to pass student's exam.

play RedSnake
plays 1287 / votes 0


by Foxclip, 2018/6/28

Variant of a classic snake game