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Scenarios tagged: illusion

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play PinkDots
plays 29878 / votes 57


by Herman, 2009/6/11

PinkDots is a very cool optical illusion.

play SpiralIllusion
plays 14108 / votes 21


by DonaldDuck, 2010/10/28

Stare into the depths.

play Blue
plays 14966 / votes 18


by Herman, 2009/8/2

Blue is an optical illusion! Which blue is darker?

play Hidden Picture
plays 7748 / votes 10

Hidden Picture

by bourne, 2013/5/5

Can you see it?

play illusion
plays 3589 / votes 4


by Hiimachicken, 2013/12/15

Somesort of an illusion

play Bloks
plays 2214 / votes 0


by game917, 2016/8/5