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Scenarios tagged: dialogue

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play Pyro
plays 5862 / votes 13


by bourne, 2013/3/7

A game in the works. With combat, skills, quickbars, swimming, line of sight in caves, my custom character limb animations, etc.

play Isometric
plays 3829 / votes 3


by bourne, 2013/5/5

Isometric town with some combat, and map editor among other features

play The Call
plays 3746 / votes 3

The Call

by bourne, 2013/5/5

Isometric RPG with a biblical theme

play Detective Dom (Demo)
plays 2188 / votes 1

Detective Dom (Demo)

by protocolUnknown, 2019/8/14

Detective interrogation game that uses txt file to form level progression/interrogation progression

play Detective Dom (Detective game demo)
plays 2093 / votes 0

Detective Dom (Detective game demo)

by protocolUnknown, 2020/4/18

Play as Detective Dom and investigate this case using interrogation and old fashion sleuthing.