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Scenarios tagged: dark

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play Torn Apart
plays 5354 / votes 8

Torn Apart

by bqm11, 2012/12/6

Epic 9 Level Platformer

play Light Beam Class Demo
plays 5488 / votes 7

Light Beam Class Demo

by danpost, 2012/12/26

An actor class that creates a beam of light within darkness. Follows a light source object.

play Light & Dark
plays 4439 / votes 4

Light & Dark

by TheMissingKey, 2013/5/14

Fun game

play The Pumpkin Bash
plays 2172 / votes 0

The Pumpkin Bash

by Hermione12, 2017/11/27

Eat leaves, don't get hit by pumpkins

play Desolated
plays 207899 / votes 13


by jaunuell, 2023/10/20

Venture into the darkness and discover the truth.

play Dead Pixel
plays 758 / votes 1

Dead Pixel

by TealBazooka, 2024/3/14

DarkSouls inspired Zelda game with typos