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Scenarios tagged: danpost

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play PorkPug test
plays 1977 / votes 0

PorkPug test

by Graankoker, 2017/12/4

play Value Display Tutorial
plays 12124 / votes 12

Value Display Tutorial

by danpost, 2015/9/2

Tutorial showing how a value can be displayed

play Octagon Fun
plays 3134 / votes 1

Octagon Fun

by danpost, 2017/11/5

Basic geometry Q-n-A.

play Bee Quick (ImgScroll demo)
plays 5040 / votes 1

Bee Quick (ImgScroll demo)

by danpost, 2015/4/20

Accomplish the goal before time runs out.

play Blue Dot Clicker
plays 8932 / votes 6

Blue Dot Clicker

by danpost, 2013/10/13

Score by clicking on the moving blue dot as many times as you can before time runs out.

play BINGO
plays 3841 / votes 0


by danpost, 2014/7/7

Choose one of three cards. Computer will play the other two against you.

play MapWorld SuperClass
plays 9163 / votes 8

MapWorld SuperClass

by danpost, 2013/1/19

A super-class that helps create, map out, and run levels in a gridWorld.

play Bar Subclasses
plays 6178 / votes 5

Bar Subclasses

by danpost, 2012/7/4

Support for my Bar class: sub-classes adding various functionalities.

play Animation Support Class
plays 5315 / votes 3

Animation Support Class

by danpost, 2015/6/24

A support class to help in animating World and Actor objects.