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Greenfoot back

Scenarios tagged: codepoint-08-school-16+

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play LetterGame
plays 4269 / votes 2


by helen, 2008/11/29

a game for learning letters

play Squirrel Quarrel
plays 3740 / votes 1

Squirrel Quarrel

by tscott1192, 2008/12/1

You've made him angry... now deal with the repercussions in the form of falling objects.

play GreenGreenRevolution
plays 4824 / votes 2


by supernovaboy, 2008/11/30

An attempt at recreation of DDR in Greenfoot

play 101010
plays 9379 / votes 4


by erimaxbau, 2008/11/29

Survive as long as possible.

play MirrorPhase
plays 9997 / votes 13


by havoc_, 2008/11/1


play Battleship
plays 8050 / votes 3


by Opalelement, 2008/11/20

Try to sink all the boats!

play SnakeAnts
plays 4881 / votes 0


by helen, 2008/11/21

A variation of Snake

play Scribbles
plays 4572 / votes 2


by Reag, 2008/11/19

A simple Castle Defense Game

play Puzzle Engine
plays 4858 / votes 3

Puzzle Engine

by therhapso, 2008/11/7

Basic, top, down block puzzle engine