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Scenarios tagged: chess

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play ChessWorld
plays 14529 / votes 10


by danpost, 2011/5/7

Learn and Play Chess or Kapture-Chess (an interesting variation).

play Chinese Chess 象棋
plays 6469 / votes 6

Chinese Chess 象棋

by imacat, 2013/3/17

A practice to implement rules of Chinese Chess. 練習象棋規則的實作撰寫。

play Chess Dos
plays 6303 / votes 6

Chess Dos

by bourne, 2014/2/12

Play chess with other Greenfoot users, or against the AI (with difficulty setting), or yourself.

play Chess
plays 5562 / votes 5


by bourne, 2013/3/19

Chess with ai

play PiratesChess
plays 7361 / votes 5


by Segara, 2011/6/2

Play hard-level :P

play 中国象棋(Remixed)
plays 5206 / votes 3


by yedefei, 2014/4/18

中国象棋新玩法(new China chess game)

play Knight tour
plays 4448 / votes 3

Knight tour

by nachocab, 2012/11/11

Simulation of the classic Knight tour algorithm

play Knight's Tour
plays 3238 / votes 2

Knight's Tour

by steveputz, 2014/3/19

Moves a chess Knight to each square of a chess board

play Chess
plays 3442 / votes 2


by pavolbiacko2002, 2020/5/24

Chess Game for 2 Players (Local)