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Scenarios tagged: characters

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play FlappyBirds
plays 4028 / votes 0


by AzharC, 2016/8/11

play OGTrumpShooter
plays 2287 / votes 0


by TastelessMuffin, 2016/4/26

Donald Trump takes on sneaky rodent Ted Cruz

play Donnie v. Cruz
plays 2274 / votes 0

Donnie v. Cruz

by BlueFalcon1, 2016/4/25

Donald Trump Battles Ted Cruz for Survival

play 8-bit kombat
plays 3327 / votes 0

8-bit kombat

by Tandem_Unicycle, 2015/5/22

like mortal kombat

play Raining characters
plays 3757 / votes 3

Raining characters

by erdelf, 2013/5/7

Type the character between the lines