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Scenarios tagged: black

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play CountTheBlackDots
plays 19493 / votes 22


by Herman, 2009/7/6

Count The Black Dots is a very cool optical illusion. Don't forget to recount :-)

play BlackHoleTD v.1.52
plays 4544 / votes 2

BlackHoleTD v.1.52

by GymnasiumBammental, 2010/1/25

BlackHole TowerDefense by Laurelinad

play BlackHoleTD
plays 6980 / votes 6


by Laurelinad, 2010/2/15

BHTD v.1.60

play Adventures in 2D
plays 9232 / votes 9

Adventures in 2D

by DonaldDuck, 2011/4/25

Kill the reds

play My Piano
plays 3126 / votes 0

My Piano

by EvanI9, 2014/7/16

My Piano by Evan Fenton

play Black Piet
plays 2271 / votes 0

Black Piet

by Germaine25, 2015/2/11

play Brick
plays 2615 / votes 0


by DoctorMitch, 2015/2/17

Join Brick on his never ending journey!

play The Plague Game
plays 2106 / votes 0

The Plague Game

by Ratttttz, 2019/2/26

play Apple Odyssey《暗黑疯苹果》
plays 2510 / votes 0

Apple Odyssey《暗黑疯苹果》

by tatatingting, 2019/5/20

An apple sang a crazy song and got deeper in black. 一只苹果麦克疯,堕入无边黑暗。