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Scenarios tagged: bear

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play Big Polar Bear
plays 2203 / votes 0

Big Polar Bear

by Elephant16, 2016/4/19

Polar Bear shoots out friends

play Eco-bear and the snake menace V1
plays 6099 / votes 3

Eco-bear and the snake menace V1

by BlackholeGF, 2009/11/14

Enviromentally-friendly scroller

play Teddy Catch
plays 2996 / votes 2

Teddy Catch

by techieladycj, 2013/4/16

Use the arrow keys to move

play Salmon Simulator
plays 2967 / votes 1

Salmon Simulator

by CharlieW, 2015/3/19

Get past the bear to continue your lineage

play The Polar Bear and the Seals
plays 2010 / votes 0

The Polar Bear and the Seals

by krs16, 2016/4/19

The Polar Bear likes Seals, so he shoots snowmen to get them!

play Bear Platformer
plays 664 / votes 1

Bear Platformer

by TomMustBe12, 2024/4/17

Fun platform game, simple

play Linux eater
plays 2917 / votes 2

Linux eater

by Pammota, 2017/10/2


play Beruang_Nggragas
plays 2159 / votes 0


by adi_demak, 2016/10/22

Use your arrow button to move the bear

play Teddy
plays 2609 / votes 0


by vmcb95, 2015/4/22