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Scenarios tagged: ant

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play mithes-semut
plays 2252 / votes 0


by yunianto, 2016/8/2

latihan greenfoot

play AntColony
plays 1632 / votes 0


by PavelCho, 2020/6/27

Eat more then enemy colony

play Insect War
plays 8870 / votes 14

Insect War

by Super_Hippo, 2013/3/5

Send out armies and defeat your opponent!

play MarinecatchesAnt
plays 2353 / votes 0


by MrKaiser, 2015/9/17

catch the ant

play Fibonacci Ant
plays 6352 / votes 0

Fibonacci Ant

by RevDrBrown, 2010/3/28

Cellular automata simulation of ants that move according to the Fibonacci sequence, flipping cell states as they move.

play ant simulator 2022 (UPDATED)
plays 1568 / votes 1

ant simulator 2022 (UPDATED)

it a simulation of ants, what did you expect?

play Langton's Ant
plays 4863 / votes 0

Langton's Ant

by RevDrBrown, 2010/3/27

50x50 cell implementation of Langton's Ant.

play Anteater
plays 4461 / votes 0


by Evmorov, 2011/8/19

Mmmm.. ants..