
Greenfoot Tutorial

Version 1.0

for Greenfoot Version 1.0





Michael Kölling






  1. About Greenfoot

  2. Scope and audience

  3. Copyright, licensing and redistribution

  4. Installation

  5. Installing on Windows

  6. Installing on Mac OS X

  7. Installing on other systems

  8. The wombats scenario

  9. Getting Started

  10. Open a Greenfoot project

  11. Find out about the scenario

  12. Place objects into the world

  13. Make objects act

  14. Run a scenario

  15. Invoke methods directly

  16. Create a new world

  17. Invoke a world method

  18. Programming

  19. Change the behaviour of an object

  20. Compiling your project

  21. Changing images

  22. Find out about Greenfoot classes

  23. Inspecting an object

  24. Create a new class

  25. Make you own scenarios

  26. What now?





  • Join the Greenfoot mailing list and get talking to other Greenfoot programmers.

  • Look at the Greenfoot Gallery to see some other scenarios.


The mailing list is here:

Have fun!

1  A wombat is a native Australian animal. If you don’t know about them, look them up at Wikipedia: .