All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values
- act() - Method in class greenfoot.Actor
The act method is called by the greenfoot framework to give actors a chance to perform some action.
- act() - Method in class greenfoot.World
Act method for world.
- Actor - Class in greenfoot
An Actor is an object that exists in the Greenfoot world.
- Actor() - Constructor for class greenfoot.Actor
Construct an Actor.
- addedToWorld(World) - Method in class greenfoot.Actor
This method is called by the Greenfoot system when this actor has been inserted into the world.
- addObject(Actor, int, int) - Method in class greenfoot.World
Add an Actor to the world.
- ask(String) - Static method in class greenfoot.Greenfoot
Get input from the user (and freeze the scenario while we are waiting).
- BLACK - Static variable in class greenfoot.Color
The color black.
- BLUE - Static variable in class greenfoot.Color
The color blue.
- brighter() - Method in class greenfoot.Color
Creates a new color that is a brighter version of this GreenfootColor.
- clear() - Method in class greenfoot.GreenfootImage
Clears the image.
- Color - Class in greenfoot
A representation of a Color.
- Color(int, int, int) - Constructor for class greenfoot.Color
Creates a RGB color with the specified red, green, blue values in the range (0 - 255).
- Color(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class greenfoot.Color
Creates a RGB color with the specified red, green, blue, and alpha values in the range (0 - 255).
- CYAN - Static variable in class greenfoot.Color
The color cyan.
- DARK_GRAY - Static variable in class greenfoot.Color
The color dark gray.
- darker() - Method in class greenfoot.Color
Creates a new GreenfootColor that is a darker version of this GreenfootColor.
- delay(int) - Static method in class greenfoot.Greenfoot
Delay the current execution by a number of time steps.
- deriveFont(float) - Method in class greenfoot.Font
Creates a new
object by cloning the current one and then applying a new size to it. - drawImage(GreenfootImage, int, int) - Method in class greenfoot.GreenfootImage
Draws the given Image onto this image
- drawLine(int, int, int, int) - Method in class greenfoot.GreenfootImage
Draw a line, using the current drawing color, between the points
(x1, y1)
and(x2, y2)
. - drawOval(int, int, int, int) - Method in class greenfoot.GreenfootImage
Draw an oval bounded by the specified rectangle with the current drawing color.
- drawPolygon(int[], int[], int) - Method in class greenfoot.GreenfootImage
Draws a closed polygon defined by arrays of x and y coordinates.
- drawRect(int, int, int, int) - Method in class greenfoot.GreenfootImage
Draw the outline of the specified rectangle.
- drawShape(Shape) - Method in class greenfoot.GreenfootImage
Draw a shape directly on the image.
- drawString(String, int, int) - Method in class greenfoot.GreenfootImage
Draw the text given by the specified string, using the current font and color.
- equals(Object) - Method in class greenfoot.Color
Determines whether another object is equal to this color.
- equals(Object) - Method in class greenfoot.Font
* Determines whether another object is equal to this font.
- fill() - Method in class greenfoot.GreenfootImage
Fill the entire image with the current drawing color.
- fillOval(int, int, int, int) - Method in class greenfoot.GreenfootImage
Fill an oval bounded by the specified rectangle with the current drawing color.
- fillPolygon(int[], int[], int) - Method in class greenfoot.GreenfootImage
Fill a closed polygon defined by arrays of x and y coordinates.
- fillRect(int, int, int, int) - Method in class greenfoot.GreenfootImage
Fill the specified rectangle.
- Font - Class in greenfoot
A representation of a Font.
- Font(boolean, boolean, int) - Constructor for class greenfoot.Font
Creates a sans serif font with the specified size and style.
- Font(int) - Constructor for class greenfoot.Font
Creates a sans serif font of a given size.
- Font(String, boolean, boolean, int) - Constructor for class greenfoot.Font
Creates a font from the specified font name, size and style.
- Font(String, int) - Constructor for class greenfoot.Font
Creates a font from the specified font name and size.
- getActor() - Method in class greenfoot.MouseInfo
Return the actor (if any) that the current mouse behaviour is related to.
- getAlpha() - Method in class greenfoot.Color
Returns the alpha component in the range 0-255.
- getAwtImage() - Method in class greenfoot.GreenfootImage
Returns the java.awt.image.BufferedImage that backs this GreenfootImage.
- getBackground() - Method in class greenfoot.World
Return the world's background image.
- getBlue() - Method in class greenfoot.Color
Returns the blue component in the range 0-255 in the default RGB space.
- getButton() - Method in class greenfoot.MouseInfo
The number of the pressed or clicked button (if any).
- getCellSize() - Method in class greenfoot.World
Return the size of a cell (in pixels).
- getClickCount() - Method in class greenfoot.MouseInfo
Return the number of mouse clicks associated with this mouse event.
- getColor() - Method in class greenfoot.GreenfootImage
Return the current drawing color.
- getColorAt(int, int) - Method in class greenfoot.GreenfootImage
Return the color at the given pixel.
- getColorAt(int, int) - Method in class greenfoot.World
Return the color at the centre of the cell.
- getFont() - Method in class greenfoot.GreenfootImage
Get the current font.
- getGreen() - Method in class greenfoot.Color
Returns the green component in the range 0-255 in the default RGB space.
- getHeight() - Method in class greenfoot.GreenfootImage
Return the height of the image.
- getHeight() - Method in class greenfoot.World
Return the height of the world (in number of cells).
- getImage() - Method in class greenfoot.Actor
Returns the image used to represent this actor.
- getInt(int) - Method in class greenfoot.UserInfo
Get the value of the int at the given index (0 to NUM_INTS-1, inclusive).
- getIntersectingObjects(Class<A>) - Method in class greenfoot.Actor
Return all the objects that intersect this object.
- getKey() - Static method in class greenfoot.Greenfoot
Get the most recently pressed key, since the last time this method was called.
- getMicLevel() - Static method in class greenfoot.Greenfoot
Get the microphone input level.
- getMouseInfo() - Static method in class greenfoot.Greenfoot
Return a mouse info object with information about the state of the mouse.
- getMyInfo() - Static method in class greenfoot.UserInfo
Get the data stored for the current user.
- getName() - Method in class greenfoot.Font
Returns the logical name of this font.
- getNearby(int) - Static method in class greenfoot.UserInfo
Get a sorted list of the UserInfo items for this scenario surrounding the current user.
- getNeighbours(int, boolean, Class<A>) - Method in class greenfoot.Actor
Return the neighbours to this object within a given distance.
- getObjects(Class<A>) - Method in class greenfoot.World
Get all the objects in the world, or all the objects of a particular class.
- getObjectsAt(int, int, Class<A>) - Method in class greenfoot.World
Return all objects at a given cell.
- getObjectsAtOffset(int, int, Class<A>) - Method in class greenfoot.Actor
Return all objects that intersect the center of the given location (relative to this object's location).
- getObjectsInRange(int, Class<A>) - Method in class greenfoot.Actor
Return all objects within range 'radius' around this object.
- getOneIntersectingObject(Class<?>) - Method in class greenfoot.Actor
Return an object that intersects this object.
- getOneObjectAtOffset(int, int, Class<?>) - Method in class greenfoot.Actor
Return one object that is located at the specified cell (relative to this objects location).
- getRandomNumber(int) - Static method in class greenfoot.Greenfoot
Return a random number between 0 (inclusive) and limit (exclusive).
- getRank() - Method in class greenfoot.UserInfo
Get the users overall rank for this scenario.
- getRed() - Method in class greenfoot.Color
Returns the red component in the range 0-255 in the default RGB space.
- getRotation() - Method in class greenfoot.Actor
Return the current rotation of this actor.
- getScore() - Method in class greenfoot.UserInfo
Get the user's score.
- getSize() - Method in class greenfoot.Font
Returns the point size of this font, rounded to an integer.
- getString(int) - Method in class greenfoot.UserInfo
Get the value of the String at the given index (0 to NUM_STRINGS-1, inclusive).
- getTop(int) - Static method in class greenfoot.UserInfo
Get a sorted list of the UserInfo items for this scenario, starting at the top.
- getTransparency() - Method in class greenfoot.GreenfootImage
Return the current transparency of the image.
- getUserImage() - Method in class greenfoot.UserInfo
Return an image of the user.
- getUserName() - Method in class greenfoot.UserInfo
Get the username of the user that this storage belongs to.
- getVolume() - Method in class greenfoot.GreenfootSound
Get the current volume of the sound, between 0 (off) and 100 (loudest.)
- getWidth() - Method in class greenfoot.GreenfootImage
Return the width of the image.
- getWidth() - Method in class greenfoot.World
Return the width of the world (in number of cells).
- getWorld() - Method in class greenfoot.Actor
Return the world that this actor lives in.
- getWorldOfType(Class<W>) - Method in class greenfoot.Actor
Return the world that this actor lives in, provided that it is an instance of the given "worldClass" class (i.e.
- getX() - Method in class greenfoot.Actor
Return the x-coordinate of the actor's current location.
- getX() - Method in class greenfoot.MouseInfo
Return the current x position of the mouse cursor.
- getY() - Method in class greenfoot.Actor
Return the y-coordinate of the object's current location.
- getY() - Method in class greenfoot.MouseInfo
Return the current y position of the mouse cursor.
- GRAY - Static variable in class greenfoot.Color
The color gray.
- GREEN - Static variable in class greenfoot.Color
The color green.
- greenfoot - package greenfoot
- Greenfoot - Class in greenfoot
This utility class provides methods to control the simulation and interact with the system.
- Greenfoot() - Constructor for class greenfoot.Greenfoot
- GreenfootImage - Class in greenfoot
An image to be shown on screen.
- GreenfootImage(int, int) - Constructor for class greenfoot.GreenfootImage
Create an empty (transparent) image with the specified size.
- GreenfootImage(GreenfootImage) - Constructor for class greenfoot.GreenfootImage
Create a GreenfootImage from another GreenfootImage.
- GreenfootImage(String) - Constructor for class greenfoot.GreenfootImage
Create an image from an image file.
- GreenfootImage(String, int, Color, Color) - Constructor for class greenfoot.GreenfootImage
Creates an image with the given string drawn as text using the given font size, with the given foreground Color on the given background Color.
- GreenfootImage(String, int, Color, Color, Color) - Constructor for class greenfoot.GreenfootImage
Creates an image with the given string drawn as text using the given font size, with the given foreground color on the given background color.
- GreenfootSound - Class in greenfoot
Represents audio that can be played in Greenfoot.
- GreenfootSound(String) - Constructor for class greenfoot.GreenfootSound
Creates a new sound from the given file.
- hashCode() - Method in class greenfoot.Color
Computes the hash code for this
. - hashCode() - Method in class greenfoot.Font
Returns a hashcode for this font.
- intersects(Actor) - Method in class greenfoot.Actor
Check whether this object intersects with another given object.
- isAtEdge() - Method in class greenfoot.Actor
Detect whether the actor has reached the edge of the world.
- isBold() - Method in class greenfoot.Font
Indicates whether or not this Font style is bold.
- isItalic() - Method in class greenfoot.Font
Indicates whether or not this Font style is italic.
- isKeyDown(String) - Static method in class greenfoot.Greenfoot
Check whether a given key is currently pressed down.
- isPlain() - Method in class greenfoot.Font
Indicates whether or not this Font style is plain.
- isPlaying() - Method in class greenfoot.GreenfootSound
True if the sound is currently playing.
- isStorageAvailable() - Static method in class greenfoot.UserInfo
Indicate whether storage is available.
- isTouching(Class<?>) - Method in class greenfoot.Actor
Checks whether this actor is touching any other objects of the given class.
- LIGHT_GRAY - Static variable in class greenfoot.Color
The color light gray.
- MAGENTA - Static variable in class greenfoot.Color
The color magenta.
- mirrorHorizontally() - Method in class greenfoot.GreenfootImage
Mirrors the image horizontally (the left of the image becomes the right, and vice versa).
- mirrorVertically() - Method in class greenfoot.GreenfootImage
Mirrors the image vertically (the top of the image becomes the bottom, and vice versa).
- mouseClicked(Object) - Static method in class greenfoot.Greenfoot
True if the mouse has been released (changed from pressed to non-pressed) on the given object.
- mouseDragEnded(Object) - Static method in class greenfoot.Greenfoot
True if a mouse drag has ended.
- mouseDragged(Object) - Static method in class greenfoot.Greenfoot
True if the mouse is currently being dragged on the given object.
- MouseInfo - Class in greenfoot
This class contains information about the current status of the mouse.
- mouseMoved(Object) - Static method in class greenfoot.Greenfoot
True if the mouse has been moved on the given object.
- mousePressed(Object) - Static method in class greenfoot.Greenfoot
True if the mouse has been pressed (changed from a non-pressed state to being pressed) on the given object.
- move(int) - Method in class greenfoot.Actor
Move this actor the specified distance in the direction it is currently facing.
- NUM_INTS - Static variable in class greenfoot.UserInfo
The number of integers that can be stored
- NUM_STRINGS - Static variable in class greenfoot.UserInfo
The number of Strings that can be stored
- numberOfObjects() - Method in class greenfoot.World
Get the number of actors currently in the world.
- pause() - Method in class greenfoot.GreenfootSound
Pauses the current sound if it is currently playing.
- PINK - Static variable in class greenfoot.Color
The color pink.
- play() - Method in class greenfoot.GreenfootSound
Start playing this sound.
- playLoop() - Method in class greenfoot.GreenfootSound
Play this sound repeatedly in a loop.
- playSound(String) - Static method in class greenfoot.Greenfoot
Play sound from a file.
- RED - Static variable in class greenfoot.Color
The color red.
- removeObject(Actor) - Method in class greenfoot.World
Remove an object from the world.
- removeObjects(Collection<? extends Actor>) - Method in class greenfoot.World
Remove a list of objects from the world.
- removeTouching(Class<?>) - Method in class greenfoot.Actor
Removes one object of the given class that this actor is currently touching (if any exist).
- repaint() - Method in class greenfoot.World
Repaints the world.
- rotate(int) - Method in class greenfoot.GreenfootImage
Rotates this image around the center.
- scale(int, int) - Method in class greenfoot.GreenfootImage
Scales this image to a new size.
- setActOrder(Class...) - Method in class greenfoot.World
Set the act order of objects in the world.
- setBackground(GreenfootImage) - Method in class greenfoot.World
Set a background image for the world.
- setBackground(String) - Method in class greenfoot.World
Set a background image for the world from an image file.
- setColor(Color) - Method in class greenfoot.GreenfootImage
Set the current drawing color.
- setColorAt(int, int, Color) - Method in class greenfoot.GreenfootImage
Sets the given pixel to the given color.
- setFont(Font) - Method in class greenfoot.GreenfootImage
Set the current font.
- setImage(GreenfootImage) - Method in class greenfoot.Actor
Set the image for this actor to the specified image.
- setImage(String) - Method in class greenfoot.Actor
Set an image for this actor from an image file.
- setInt(int, int) - Method in class greenfoot.UserInfo
Set the value of the int at the given index (0 to NUM_INTS-1, inclusive).
- setLocation(int, int) - Method in class greenfoot.Actor
Assign a new location for this actor.
- setPaintOrder(Class...) - Method in class greenfoot.World
Set the paint order of objects in the world.
- setRotation(int) - Method in class greenfoot.Actor
Set the rotation of this actor.
- setScore(int) - Method in class greenfoot.UserInfo
Set the user's score.
- setSpeed(int) - Static method in class greenfoot.Greenfoot
Set the speed of the execution.
- setString(int, String) - Method in class greenfoot.UserInfo
Get the value of the String at the given index (0 to NUM_STRINGS-1, inclusive).
- setTransparency(int) - Method in class greenfoot.GreenfootImage
Set the transparency of the image.
- setVolume(int) - Method in class greenfoot.GreenfootSound
Set the current volume of the sound between 0 (off) and 100 (loudest.)
- setWorld(World) - Static method in class greenfoot.Greenfoot
Sets the World to run to the one given.
- showText(String, int, int) - Method in class greenfoot.World
Show some text centred at the given position in the world.
- sleepFor(int) - Method in class greenfoot.Actor
Sets this actor to sleep for the given number of cycles.
- start() - Static method in class greenfoot.Greenfoot
Run (or resume) the execution.
- started() - Method in class greenfoot.World
This method is called by the Greenfoot system when the execution has started.
- stop() - Static method in class greenfoot.Greenfoot
Pause the execution.
- stop() - Method in class greenfoot.GreenfootSound
Stop playing this sound if it is currently playing.
- stopped() - Method in class greenfoot.World
This method is called by the Greenfoot system when the execution has stopped.
- store() - Method in class greenfoot.UserInfo
Store the data to the server.
- STRING_LENGTH_LIMIT - Static variable in class greenfoot.UserInfo
The maximum number of characters that can be stored in each String
- toString() - Method in class greenfoot.Color
Return a text representation of the color.
- toString() - Method in class greenfoot.Font
Return a text representation of the font.
- toString() - Method in class greenfoot.GreenfootImage
Return a text representation of the image.
- toString() - Method in class greenfoot.GreenfootSound
Returns a string representation of this sound containing the name of the file and whether it is currently playing or not.
- toString() - Method in class greenfoot.MouseInfo
- turn(int) - Method in class greenfoot.Actor
Turn this actor by the specified amount (in degrees).
- turnTowards(int, int) - Method in class greenfoot.Actor
Turn this actor to face towards a certain location.
- UserInfo - Class in greenfoot
The UserInfo class can be used to store data permanently on a server, and to share this data between different users, when the scenario runs on the Greenfoot web site.
- WHITE - Static variable in class greenfoot.Color
The color white.
- World - Class in greenfoot
World is the world that Actors live in.
- World(int, int, int) - Constructor for class greenfoot.World
Construct a new world.
- World(int, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class greenfoot.World
Construct a new world.
A B C D E F G H I L M N O P R S T U W YAll Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values