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Scenarios can be grouped together into 'collections', This might be for scenarios that a particular user likes, for scenarios made by a class or group, for running a competition - or for any other reason you can think of.

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view Objetos 2010-2011/I
votes 12

Objetos 2010-2011/I

by objetos2223, 2010/12/9

Object Oriented Programming courses' projects at UASLP (Univ...

view Matches
votes 12


by Herman, 2011/3/11

Games with matches.

view ICS3U Cohen June 2013
votes 11

ICS3U Cohen June 2013

by MrCohen, 2013/6/18

Final project from our grade 11 class

view High Scores
votes 10

High Scores

by bourne, 2014/9/10

Collection of games/scenarios that have a high scores table....

view Games by danpost
votes 9

Games by danpost

by danpost, 2023/9/22

A collection of games that I have accumulated on the site.

view CHALLENGE 3 | June
votes 8


by FlyingRabidUnicornPig, 2013/7/1

These are the contestants for the June 2013 Challenge.

view CHALLENGE 1 | April 2013
votes 8

CHALLENGE 1 | April 2013

by JetLennit, 2014/3/13

Challenge entries for April of 2013

view Android
votes 8


by -nic-, 2013/1/31

All the scenarios are built for android and porting greenfo...

view W-Sem
votes 7


by felixhz, 2021/12/1

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