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Greenfoot back wrote ...


Bug report: "Needs compile" not going away

I am working through the textbook on the first little-crab scenario. As instructed, I changed Crab's act() method to:
public class Crab extends Actor
    public void act()
       if (isAtEdge())
No matter how many times I click on "Compile" in the editor window or the main window, the Crab class is slashed out. If I hover over it, I see the message "Needs compile". Clicking Reset does not help. My configuration is: Greenfoot version 2.4.2 (Java version 1.8.0_31) Virtual machine: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM 25.31-b07 (Oracle Corporation) Running on Windows 7 6.1 (x86) Java Home: C:\Program Files (x86)\Greenfoot\jdk\jre
danpost danpost


Clicking 'Compile' in the editor window only compiles the class the editor contains (links to other classes may also be compiled at that time). To compile the project as a whole, use the 'Compile' button on the main scenario frame (at the lower right -- underneath the class window).
danpost, thanks, but I did try the Compile button in the main scenario frame.
danpost danpost


# wrote...
danpost, thanks, but I did try the Compile button in the main scenario frame.
Do the 'Run' and 'Act buttons become clickable or do they stay gray? I am guessing they become clickable as in the image above. NOTE: I see you DID say you tried the main window also (missed that before).
danpost danpost


From what I can tell, since the class says it compiles okay, the slashes should not be there and the pop-up should show 'new Crab()' instead of 'Needs compile'. No one else has mentioned this issue as yet that I know of; however, it does sound like a bug -- possibly in BlueJ (guessing).
davmac davmac


I have seen this before once or twice when the date on the source files (the .java files) is in the future. In that case I believe the problem goes away if you edit the file (just add a comment, or add and then remove a blank line) before compiling. Could you check the dates on the files? (using Windows Explorer).
Diamond_Lad Diamond_Lad


i am also having this problem on one of my actor and it says there is nothing wrong with it in the editor window
danpost danpost


Diamond_Lad wrote...
i am also having this problem on one of my actor and it says there is nothing wrong with it in the editor window
@Diamond_Lad, did you try closing out the greenfoot application and re-opening it to recompiling the project?


I have also encountered this a few times, and as danpost mentioned, it has always worked to save everything and restart greenfoot. also, as davmac suggested, making a small edit, then compiling will usually work. i don't think this edit can be just adding/removing blank lines because java ignores whitespace (and any decent IDE should know this), but editing comments may work.
loxtn10 loxtn10


I also encounter this, this shouldn't happen the deadline of the project game is coming near, help me please
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