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This is an example from chapter 9 of the Greenfoot book.

It's a simulation of populations of foxes (blue squares) and rabbits (yellow squares).

Rabbits breed, and occasionally die of old age. They can also be eaten by foxes.

Foxes hunt rabbits, breed and die of starvation (if they don't find rabbits to eat) or of old age.

Also, pay attention to the pop-up window (which should appear somewhere on your screen).

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I'm thinking there should be a food source for the rabbits -- lettuce, perhaps. Maybe the lettuce spreads (or occasionally grows randomly) and without it, the rabbits die of starvation. But I love things like this.


Also, it would be interesting to have the rabbits randomly around the screen (as rodents tend to do) and once a few cycles have gone through (so surviving rabbits will have found some sort of a balance with the growing lettuce) a "pack of foxes" could be introduced -- not randomly but as they would come in together. It might also be cool to have a random "rain storm" blow throw every so many cycles so the lettuce can survive (or not) which would also affect the rabbit population. (Sorry... I tend to overthink things)


Oooh... and every millionth incarnation, one of the animals has a genetic change/adaption which changes their color... or size... or appetite... or speed... or life span...
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on 2018-11-02 16:36:55 UTC

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